Monday, 9 April 2012

Power to Read

Dr. Marie Clay advocated that for 80% of children, learning to read will be relatively trouble-free. The key is to take special care of the 20% who struggle, and in doing so, take care of all 100% of learner-readers.

Now esteemed experts, Richard Allington and Rachael Gabriel have clearly identified the six elements of effective reading instruction that ensure children learn to read.  Best of all these 6 elements don't require much time or money - just educators' decision to put them into place.

Jump on board this link for a detailed look Every Child, Every Day

Six Elements in brief;

1. Every child reads something he or she chooses. (At some time every day, they should be able to choose what they read).

2. Every child reads accurately. (A body of research demonstrates the importance of having students read texts they can read accurately and understand).

3. Every child reads something he or she understands. (The ability to read takes lots of reading and rereading of text that students find engaging and comprehensible).

4. Every child writes about something personally meaningful. (Writing provides a different modality within which to practice the skills and strategies of reading).

5. Every child talks with peers about reading and writing. (The task of switching between writing, speaking, reading, and listening helps students make connections between the skills they use in each task).

6. Every child listens to a fluent adult read aloud. (beyond first grade, teachers should read to their students each day).

Allington and Gabriel make the following suggestions:

Eliminate almost all worksheets and workbooks and instead use the money saved to purchase books for classroom libraries; use time saved for self-selected reading, self-selected writing, literary conversations, and read-alouds.  Ban test-preparation activites and materials from the school day.

In conclusion - It's time for the six elements of effective instruction to be offered more consistently to every child, in every school, every day.  Remember, adults have the power to make these decisions; kids don't.  Let's decide to give them the kind of instruction they need.

Happy Reading!

Rachel Walker
Co-Pilot & Red Rocket Scientist

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