Monday 19 March 2012

Prepare to Launch!

Early success with reading is widely recognised as the essential launch pad to all other learning. 
Global research and experts world-wide agree that without early success acquiring reading skills, the outlook for children is grim and the wider impact on society both socially and economically is staggering.

Phase 1 – Prioritise Literacy
It is the single biggest factor determining our children’s well-being.

Phase 2 - Preparing for Launch
Promote a love of books and language, model this by reading yourself.
Provide a literate home environment with pens, paper and books.
Read to children everyday.
Value books – give as gifts.
Provide parent education on the importance of literacy.
Teach basic Print Awareness and Concepts of Print. How words work etc.

Phase 3 - We have lift off!
Getting off to a flying start to literacy is so important and knowing that 20% of children struggle to learn to read, it would make a lot of sense to ensure that all children, when they first start formal reading instruction, have the support and intervention strategies that a highly trained reading specialist brings to the lesson.
It’s vital that the books used in the crucial launch phase contain the research proven preventative strategies, designed to set the children up for success, support the new learner and avoid reading difficulties before they occur.  It’s not okay to leave 20% of our children behind to struggle.
Look for books that are
·         Child focused – using carefully controlled, natural language text.
·         Teacher driven – with supportive intervention strategies built in to each book (like a carefully crafted introduction  & word work extension activities).
·         Fun – strong characters, humor and definable plots that combine gradual language development with wonderful stories that children will really enjoy.
Great teachers and great books are the very best investment we can make in our children’s futures and the future of society as a whole.

Happy Reading!
Co-Pilot & Red Rocket Scientist

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